People who met at the gym hang out at the Astros game on Saturday, September 7th. They watched the Astros thrash the Diamondbacks 11-5!

Your Week of Workouts (090824)

Your workouts are down below. Remember, the goal is to strength train 3-4x per week and to move your body 7 days a week (Read about walking to your goal here). And the final piece is to understand your nutrition needs even in noisy world and while navigating a crazy life. Our Updated Level 1 Nutrition Guide gives you a jumping off point.


Whether you want to jump into our workout classes, or you’d like to have your own workout program designed by our coaches while training one on one or in a small group, the first step is to schedule a time for us to sit down and chat.

Week of workouts


WU: 3x

200/150m Row

20/14 Knee Push Ups (Limit to 1 set)

10 Air Squats

Gate Run

Chin Up Negatives

  • 1st Round: 7 w/ 1-2 Count
  • 2nd Round: 5 w/ 3 Count
  • 3rd Round: 3 w/ 5 Count

The Fun: 

2:00 to Complete w/ 1:00 Off x3  p Station 

Rest 3:00 

– 500m/350m Row

– Alleyway Run


  2/1 Strict Pull Ups

  4 Push Ups (w/ 1 Tap/No Tap)

  6 Air Squats 

  *Accumulate rounds and reps across the 6:00 of work 


WU: 3x

10/7 Cal Bike 

10 Plate G2OH (25#)

10 Alternating Deficit Crossbody Toe Touch 

15 Quad Squats 

The Strength: E3M x4

5 Deficit Stepback Lunges p/ Leg*

*Alternate Lead Leg Each Round 

The Fun: For Time 

20 Alternating DB Snatch (50#/35#)

16 – 12 – 8 – 4

Pull Ups 



Gate Run 

5 – 7 – 9 

DB Curl & Strict Press 

100 Jump Rope 

5/4 Strict Pull Ups 

The Fun: 5 RFT 

7 Strict Press (95#/65#)

5 Push Press

3 Push Jerk 

45 Double Unders 

Run to Apartment Driveway

Walk Back 

Body Shop: 3x 

10-15 Incline Bench DB Flies (Slow down, big stretch)

+ 7-12 Incline Bench Curls (Straight arms hang as low as a healthy stretch will allow)


Classes meet all day with Ricardo

The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie 

10 Reps 

Max UB Supine Ring Rows 

+ Jump Assisted Strict Pull Ups for the Remainder 

15 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)

Gate Plate Carry (45#+10#/25#+10#)*

10/7 Cal Ski 

Rest 2:00 

*Carry however you’d like but you must walk. Yes, it’s 2 plates per athlete. 



Gate Run

And then, 3x 

3x 3 Point Planks 

18Hollow Scissors 

12 Wall Balls 

6/4 Chin Ups 

The Fun: 3 RFT 

20 Hollow Flutters

10 Lemon Squeezers 

20 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

Rest 1:00 

10/8 OH Plate Sit Ups (25#)

20/16 Russian Twists 

20 Quad Squats 

Rest 1:00 


Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben

The Fun: For Time 

Light Pole – Driveway – Gate Run

21 – 15 – 9  

Unbroken Power Cleans (135#/85#) 

+ Finish w/ HSPU 

— Rest 3:00 — 

21 – 15 – 9 

Unbroken Front Squats 

+ Finish w/ HSPU 

Gate – Driveway – Light Pole Run

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
Book Free Intro