We start with the workouts but we tend to make lifelong friends here

Your Week of Workouts (072824)

Your workouts are down below. Remember, the goal is to strength train 3-4x per week and to move your body 7 days a week (Read about walking to your goal here). And the final piece is to understand your nutritional needs even in noisy world and while navigating a crazy life. Our Updated Level 1 Nutrition Guide gives you a jumping off point.


Whether you want to jump into our workout classes, or you’d like to have your own workout program designed by our coaches while training one on one or in a small group, the first step is to schedule a time for us to sit down and chat.

Week of workouts



Gate Run

And then, 5x

   3 Chin Ups

   6 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap 

   9 Air Squats 


:10On/:20 x5 Handstand Holds (2:30)

:10On/:20 x5 Headstand Holds (2:30)

Strength: E2:30 x4 

7 Push Press 

The Fun: 15:00 AMRAP 

10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 70 – 80 – …- to a billion 

Double Unders 

10 Quad Balls 



Shuttle Run Fun 

12 Alternating DB Snatch 

And then

   2 – 4 – 6 

   Stepback Lunges Per Leg 

And then, 

   6 Box Jumps

Strength: E3:30M 

5 – 3 – 1

Back Rack Lunges Off Plate 

100m Sprint (Cut Back at 60m)*

*Slow to the line then 100% effort on the run. Slow on the recovery

The Fun: For Time 

100 Alt DB Snatch (50#/35#)

E:90: 3 Tall Burpee Box Jumps (30”/24”)



Gate Run

And then, 

12 Eye Level Kb Swings 

6 – 4 – 2 

Kipping Swings 

And then, 

Gate Run

And then

12 Eye Level Swings

6 – 4 – 2

Chin Ups 

The Fun: 

1:00 to Complete 

9 Pull Ups 

@1:00, 1:00 to Complete 

21 Hang Power Clean (95#/65#)

@2:00, 1:30 to Complete 

15 Pull Ups 

@3:30, 1:30 to Complete 

15 Hang Power Clean

@5:00, 2:00 to Complete 

21 Pull Ups 


9 Hang Power Clean 

And then, 12:00 to Complete (Clock runs to 20:00) 

3 RM Hang Power Clean 


The Fun: 1 Full Round

3x 1:30 to Complete/:30 Rest p Station 

15/10 Cal Ski 

+ 30 Russian Twists (45#/25#) 

15/10 Cal Row 

+ 20 Sit Ups 

10 AbMat V-Ups 

+15/10 Cal Bike 

* If there are more than 9 athletes, partner up and it becomes a waterfall. Player 2 goes when player 1 gets off the machine. Player 1 begins their second round when player 2 finishes the station. Repeat for 3 rounds per station. Between Stations, Rest 1:00 from the time Player 2 Finishes. 


WU: 3x

Gate Run

1 Wall Climb

5/4 Strict Pull Ups

10 Deficit Push Ups 

15 OH Kb Swings 

The Fun: 5 RFT 

5 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


Handstand Push Ups 

And then, 

400m Run


Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben

The Fun: 5 Rounds or 30:00 

10 DB Stepback Lunges Per Leg 

30 Double Unders 

10 UB Strict Pull Ups 

30 Double Unders 

10 DB Front Squats at Lunge Weight

Gate Walk 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
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