IMG 9296

Your Week of Workouts (010124)

IMG 9296

It’s always Mommy Daughter day when these two are around! Thank you for being such great examples for each other and the rest of us Margaret & Valerie!


Monday (New Years Day) – Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am Only


Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!

If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.


Monday 010124 – New Years Day 

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am Only 

The Fun: 01012024

24:00 AMRAP 

1 Power Clean

1 Squat Clean & Jerk 

20 Double Unders

24 Sit Ups 

Rest 2:00 

Tuesday 010224

WU: 2x 

120 Jump Rope 

12 Alt PVC OH Stepback Lunges  

12 OH PVC Sit Ups 

2×12 UB Double Unders (4 Att) 

12 Air Squats 

Shoulder Prep: 3x You Go/I Go or Waterfall 

15 Face Pulls w/ Control or even Tempo 

10 Lateral Raises w/ Control  (Max contraction is well above parallel. Avoid the shrug)

The Fun: For Time 

21 – 15 – 9 

Overhead Squats (75#/55#) 


Double Unders

21 – 15 – 9


42 – 30 – 18

Double Unders 

Wednesday 010324

WU: (12:00)

Gate Run

5 Burpees

10 Alt Crossbody Toe Touch 

And then, 3x

15/10 Push Ups (Strict as Possible even if not Unbroken)

3 Slow-Mo Ring Rows (5 Count Up/2 Count Hold/5 Count Down)

+ 6 Ring Rows*

9 Kneeling Kb Wood Chops p Side

*Attempt to pull the wrist to the bottom of the ribs (forearms perpendicular to the body)

The Strength: E3M x5 (22:00 w/ Setup and Warm Up)

Ring Dip Practice 

+ 10-10-7-7-5 Heavy Bent Over Barbell Row 

Ring Dips: 

Lv1: If not able to hold maintain a confident ring support position, use box dips: Alternate between Max Reps & :15 Dip Support on Boxes 

Lv2: Alternate between Max Reps w/ Band Assist & :15 Ring Support 

Rx: Max UB Ring Dips (or Collect 5) Can use a single band although this does remove a big part of the challenge of the rings. If you are able to do singles well, then build proficiency without the band.


The Fun: 5 RFT (18:00 co) 

25/20 Unbroken Hand Release Push Ups*

20 Russian Twists (45#/25#)

15 Incline DB Bench (35#/25#)

10 Hanging Med Ball Knee Roll Up (20#/14#)

5 Strict Pull Ups w/ 2 Count Negative (Band Assistance works well for this one)

Thursday 010424

WU: 2x (8:00)

10/7 Cal Row 

10 Air Squats 

5 Easy Box Jumps 

10 Sit Ups 

Row Development: Racer Pacer (25:00 w/ Setup & Explanation)

We are going to take an opportunity to better understand our experience on the rower. Specifically we will look at the Strokes per Minute data point with allows us to gauge the sustainability of our effort and the likelihood that we will be able to operate when we come off the row and face the remainder of the workout. 

Faster is not better. Efficiency and Power Output is the goal. 

3x You Go/I Go (Focus on understanding here, not power/speed)

12/8 Cal Row 

   Rd1:  < 24 SPM

   Rd2:   = 24-30 SPM

   Rd3:   > 30 SPM

And then,

You Go, I Go Relay (Push the pace while maintaining the SPM) 

21/14 Cal Row @ < 24 SPM

18/12 Cal Row @ 24-30 SPM

15/10 Cal Row @ > 30 SPM

18/12 Cal Row @24-30 SPM

21/14 Cal Row @ <24 SPM 

The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP

10 DB Curl & Press (As strict as Possible) 

15 Box Jumps (24”20”)

20 Sit Ups 

Friday 010524

WU: 2x (10:00)

Gate Run

4 Kb Deadlifts 

+ 8 Kb SDHP 

And then, 


Hollow Flutters

8 Scissor Kicks 

And then, 

8 Jumping Squats w/ Wall Ball as Bottom Target

+ 8 Wall Balls 

Strength: E3:30 (20:00 including WU)

[EB10-EB3 Tempo/5BSq-LW7-3T/3BSq]

Tempo/Regular Back Squats 

10/0 – 7/3 – 5/5 – 3/7

The Fun:  15:00 AMRAP 

18 Rotational Slam Balls 

15 Lemon Squeezers 

12 SDHP (70#/53#)

9 Jumping Squats to Target 

Rest 1:00 

Saturday 010623

The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP

30 Alt DB Snatch (35#/25#)

15 Toes to Bar 

20 Alt DB Hang Power Clean & Press

10 Box Jump Overs

10 Alt DB Devils Press 

5 Strict Ring Dips 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
Book Free Intro