Candace and Johnsie went for a little run this morning in some really cold temperatures. You two are awesome! #HalfMarathon
Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!
If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.
Monday 011524 – Workout in Office Area in AM Classes or maybe all day
10 – 20 – 30 Cal Row
[8 – 16 – 24 Cal Row]
4 Strict Pull Ups
8 Jumping Squats
6 Stepbacks to Stretch
The Fun: Mini Mets — Room Based Training
For Time
3x Each then 2x Each Workout then 1x Each Workout
PT Room
6 Burpee Box Jumps
9 Jumping Pull Ups
WU Room
9 Cal Row
12 Plate Squat Hops
12 Scissor Kicks
15 Plank Jacks
Tuesday 011624 – Workout in Office Area maybe all day
WU: 3x
12/9 Cal Row
9 Step Overs
3 Kb Deadlifts
+ 6 Eye Lvl Swings
15 Lemon Squeezers
Midline: 4x
:10 Elbow
Up to
:15 Push Up
Down to
:20 Elbow
Second Round, Start w/ Push Up
Put knee or knees down if you’re not going to make it, try to stay up as much as possible even if it’s not perfect
The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP
Kb Swings & Step Ups
Single Leg Step Ups p Leg
10 Eye Lvl Kb Swings (53#/35#)
E4M: 30 Sit Ups
OR Partner Workout
24:00 AMRAP
P1: 1x
24 Shoulder Taps
24 Sit Ups
8 Step Ups p Leg
12 Eye Lvl Swings
Wednesday 011724 – Back on the Floor After Warm Up
WU: 3x
10/7 Cal Row
10 Air Squats
10/8 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap (10 if Using Knees)
5/4 Strict Pull Ups
5 Easy Box Jumps
The Fun: For Time
Handstand Push Ups*
Tall Box Jumps
*1 Wall Climb + the remainder as UB Push Ups (Start with the highest achievable level and immediately transition to the next level when you run out)
** If doing strict, non-full range of motion HSPU, use the Scale every other round in order to achieve full range of motion at least half of the time.
The Work: 3x (up to 5x if they would like)
Max Rep Seated Arnold Press (10-20 Reps)
OH Carry to the Wall & Back (45#/25#)
Max Rep Wide Grip Barbell Curl (15-20 Reps)
Gun Walk to the Wall & Back
*Teams of 2. Player 1 does the shoulder press and carry, then player 2 follows. The player 1 does the curls and carry, then player 2 follows.
Thursday 011824
150 Jump Rope
And then, 3x
Gate Run
10 Alt Db Snatch
10 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap
3 Slow Motion Ring Rows*
+ 7 Regular Ring Rows
*3 Count Up/2 Count Squeeze/3 Count Lower
The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie
100 Single Unders
10 BB Bench Press
20 Alt DB Snatch
400m Run
Friday 011924
WU: 3x w/ Mini Band
10/8 Cal Row
And then,
Banded Squats
Side Steps Down & Back
Strength: 5 RM Back Squat (25:00 including warm up)
EB10 – LW7 & 5 – MW 5 & 3]
Use 3s to get to your goal area
Plan on 2 honest attempts at a 5 RM
The Fun: 3 RFT
15 – 12 – 9
SDHP (70#/53#)
6 Quad Goblet Squat
And then,
6 Length Shuttle Run (touch the ground at each turn)
Rest 2:00
Saturday 012024
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben
The Fun: For Time
50 Cal Row
30 Shoulder to Overhead (135#/85#)
10 Muscle Ups or 20 Chest to Bar