Believe it or not, these are just a few of the faces we saw on Saturday morning!
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!
Monday 012924 – 38/63
Monday 020524
Alleyway Run
And then, 3x
5 PVC Pass Thru
10 Alt OH PVC Stepback Lunges
Max Strict Push Ups or 15 using knees if needed
5 Strict Pull Ups
100 Single Unders
The Fun: 5 RFT
5 Hang Power Snatch
7/5 Ring Dips
5 Overhead Squats
7 Pull Ups
36 Double Unders
Tuesday 020624
WU: 3x
Gate Run
10 DB Curl & Press
10 Alt Crossbody Toe Touch (slow down. Get the hamstring stretch)
30 Hollow Flutter Kicks
Stamina: For Time
600m Run
Rest 2:00
800m Run
Rest 3:00
1,000m Run
*There will be cut offs that keep all athletes running distances that are correct for them. The goal is to push a 3:00 or less run, then a 5:00 or less run, then whatever you got left.
The Fun: You Go I Go
Max Flat DB Bench Press (10-20 Reps at 50/35)
Max Barbell Bent Over Curl (Tricep perpendicular to the ground. Bar travels up toward the collar bone)
24/12 Russian Twists (45#)
Rest Either 2:00 or however long it takes your partner to complete the round
Wednesday 020724
Gate Run
Step Ups per Leg (Leave working leg on top)
And then,
12 Kb Wood Chops per Side
And then, 2x
4 Box Jump Overs
12 Wall Balls
Gate Run
Strength: Front Squats Week 3
[3 Pause + 5 Regular] – [3P+5R] – [2P+5R] – [2P+3R] – [1P+3R]
The Fun: 3 RFT
7 Burpee Box Jumps (24”/20”)
14 Box Jump Overs
Gate Run
Thursday 020824
:20 – :40 – :60
Elbow Plank Hold
And then, After 3 rounds of planks
Kb High Pulls (35#/26#)
3 Goblet Squats
And then,
20/14 Knee Push Ups
10 Alt Step Back Lunges to Stretch
The Fun:
4:00 AMRAP/3:00 AMRAP/2:00 AMRAP
Station 1:
6 Renegade Rows (25#/20#)
48 Flutter Kicks
— 1:00 Rest —
Station 2:
12 Kb Goblet Cleans (53#/35#)
6 Target Burpees
— 1:00 Rest —
Station 3:
12 Jumping Lunges
— 1:00 Rest —
Friday 020924
Gate Run
12 Air Squats
12 Strict Push Ups
18 Lemon Squeezers
And then, 2x
Stepback Lunges p Leg
And then,
1 Wall Climb
4/3 Chin Ups
The Fun: E3M x6
6 Tap and Go Clean & Jerks
9 Toes to Bar
-Begin at 95#/65# and build up to the heaviest set of 6 tap and go across the 6 Rounds
Extra Work:
Ham Assisted Ab Wheels
Saturday 021024
Classes meet with Ricardo at 8am & 9:30am
Club Gymnastics at 9am: Handstand Push Up Workshop w/ Ricardo
The Fun: 24:00 AMRAP
10 Bent Over Rows
15 OH Kb Swings (53#/35#)
10 Alt Front Rack Stepback Lunges
*Every 4:00: Alleyway Run