Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!
Monday 030424
Alleyway Run,
And then, 3x
5 Kipping Swings
10 V-Ups
5/3 Chin Ups
10 OH Kb Swings
Skill: Toes to Bar
E90 x5 – Working Set of Toes to Bar
– Working Set is a number of reps that is repeatably unbroken. This is about being able to focus within a capacity you are well prepared for without that added strain of “how long can I hold on while doing this well”
The Fun: 3 RFT
21 OH Kb Swings (53#/35#)
27 Sit Ups
15/12 Reps:
1st: Ring Rips
2nd: Strict Push Ups
3rd: Knee Push Ups
*Start with the highest achievable skill in each round. Max effort unbroken set then move on to the next skill level until you achieve the 15 total reps.
Tuesday 030524
16 – 12 – 8
[12 -10 – 6]
Cal Row
12 Wall Balls
16 Lemon Squeezers
12 Double Under
OR 3 Attempts
Strength: E3M x5
3 Power Cleans
– Begin from your 3rd Jump (including EB)
The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP
40/30 Cal Row
And then, AMRAP
8 Thrusters (95#/65#)
32 Double Unders
Wednesday 030624
WU: 3x
Gate Run
10 Lateral Step Ups p/ Leg
15 Eye Level Swings
10 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap
5 Strict Pull Ups
The Fun: : 20:00 AMRAP
400m Run
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Deadlifts (255/155)
1 Muscle Up or 3 Chest to Bar or Pull Ups (Practice Technique)
Thursday 030724
Classes meet at 5am, 6am, and 5:30pm, 6:30pm ONLY
WU: 2x
100 Single Unders
5 Kb Deadlifts
10 Eye Lvl Swings
And then,
5-3-1 Step Back Lunges
And then,
50 Flutter Kicks
Body Shop: Booty Pop
3 Working Sets x E4M
3 Tempo Hip Thrusts
+ 7 Hip Thrusts
5-3-1 Tall Step Ups
And then, w/ Time Remaining
3 Working Sets of:
10 Leg Anchored Evil Wheels
12 Strict DB Curl & Press
The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP
1 Wall Climb
8/10 OH Plate Sit Ups (45/25)
16 Russian Twists
32 Flutter Kicks
Friday 030824
The Fun: TBD
Workout 24.2 will be announced on Thursday at
Saturday 030924
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ricardo
The Fun: Every 7:30 x3 (Third round is for time, beginning at 15:00 on the clock).
10 – 15 – 20
Wall Balls
5 Toes to Bar
Gate Run
And then,
Rest 2:00
*10 WBs, 5 T2b, Run, 15 WBs, 5 T2b, Run, 20 WBs, 5 T2b, Run
**If you did the Open workout Friday, then use this to move your body after a tough workout. Go light if you are not feeling great, and just cruise. If you skipped Friday then your goal is to go unbroken on the wall balls even if that means you go a step down. The intensity of the unbroken sets, especially the second and third time through, will be an excellent stimulus. Push the pace of the run to earn that break.