Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!
Monday 042924
Gate Run
And then,
2/1 Strict Pull Ups
3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Strict Push Ups
Lemon Squeeers
Strength: E3M x3
2 Chin Up Negatives
+ 10 Strict/Jumping Pull Ups
The Fun: 5 RFT
60 Hollow Flutter Kicks
5 – 3 -1 Gorilla Rows per Arm (53#/35#)
2x Down & Back Farmers Carry
Tuesday 043024
WU: 3x
120 Jump Rope
10 Alternating DB Snatch
8 Tippy Toe Squat Drops
6 Lateral Box Step Overs
(SUB: Box Step Overs)
The Strength: E2:30M x7
Hang Power Clean
+ Squat Clean
+ Front Squat
The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP
18 Alternating DB Snatch
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Wednesay 050124
WU: 2x
12 Cal Row
12 Alternating Step Back Lunges
8/6 Cal Bike
8 Kipping Swings
The Fun: 5 RFT
21 Cal Row
15 Cal Bike
9 Pull Ups
Thursday 050224
The Fun: E3:30M x7
2:00 Window
7 Tap & Go Deadlifts (HAP Perfect & Unbroken)
14 Jumping Lunges
Max Effort Handstand Push Ups
Friday 050324
150 Jump Rope
And then, 3x
12 Hanging & Twisting Knee Raises (Alt e/ 3)
15 Air Squats
18 Double Unders or 2 Attempts
The Fun: 24:00 AMRAP
3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15 – 18 – 21 – 24 – 27 – 30
UB Wall Balls*
15 Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
Rest 1:00
*If you break, finish the round and re-attempt in the next round. Only progress if you go Unbroken.
Score is highest set of wall balls completed Unbroken
Saturday 050424
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ricardo
The Fun: For Time
BUY-IN: 20/14 Cal Bike (or :90 Max Effort)
And then, 7 Rounds
7 Hang Power Clean + Push Press (95#/65#)
5 Toes to Bar
3 Tall Box Jumps
And then,
CASH OUT: 20/14 Cal Bike (or same number achieved in BUY-IN)