
Your Week of Workouts (051324)



Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!


Monday 051324


Gate Run

And then, 2x 

10 Push Ups 

8 Box Step Overs 

6/4 Strict Pull Ups 

Strict Pull Up Dev: E2M x5

10 Strict Pull Ups*

10 Plate or DB Pull Overs 

* Max Unbroken at the start of each round and then straight to adding a jump assist

** Plate/DB Pull Over: 

      To Target Lats on the Pull Over  Flair Elbows Out:


The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP 

3 Clapping Push Ups 

+ 6 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap 

+ 12 Knee Push Ups 

15 DB Box Step Over (20” or Lower w/ 2 DBs if Possible 35#/25#)*

9 Burpee Toes to Bar 

Rest 2:00 

* Box height has nothing to do with Rx so please do not be distracted by having to step on a higher box. The goal is to move steadily. If you are having to slow because of box height you are missing the workout. 

Tuesday 051424

Power Clean & Jerk Workout – Sets of 10/7/5 + Front Squats & Bent Over Rows 


Gate Run

7 – 14 – 21

Wall Balls 

Lemon Squeezers 

5/3 Chin Ups 

The Strength: “Grace is Coming” 

3:00 EMOM 

7 Power Clean & Jerk (75#/55#) 

@4:00, 3:00 EMOM

5 Power Clean & Jerk (95#/70#)

@ 8:00, 3:00 EMOM 

3 Power Clean & Jerk (115#/85#)

@ 12:00 

Max Touch & Go Clean & Jerk at 135#/95#

The Fun: For Time (10:00 co)

20 – 15 – 10

Front Squats (115/75)

Sit Ups 

Underhand Bent Over Rows 

Lateral Bar (or Line) Hops 

Wednesday 051524

WU: 3x

Gate Run

12 Kb SDHP 

12 Alternating Stepback Lunges

48 Jump Rope 

18/12 Strict Push Ups 

12 Lemon Squeezers 

The Fun: 15:00 AMRAP 

Deadlifts       2  –  4  –  6  –  8  –  10

Jump Rope  20 – 40 – 60 – 80 – 100

And then, 

    800m Run 

And then, 

Deadlifts       10  –  8  –  6  –  4  –  2 

Jump Rope  100 -80 – 60 – 40 – 20

*225/155 Deadlift 

The Strength: 3x 

10 Single Leg Split Squats per Leg 

15 – 20 Simultaneous DB Curls 

Rest ~1:30 (You Go, I Go or Waterfall)

Thursday 051624

The Fun: 25:00 AMRAP 

P1: 1x

5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Ring Dips

Tall Box Jumps 

And then, 

P2: ME Cal Bike or 15/10 Cal Bike if Solo 

Friday 051724

WU: 3x 

Gate Run or 8/5 Cal Bike if Wet 

12 Wood Chops p Side  

6 Kipping Swings 

12 Single Arm Alternating DB Hang Squat Clean & Press (25#/15#)

The Fun: 3 Rounds 

:90 x2 per Station for Max Reps of 2nd Movement

1:00 Between Stations/3:00 Rest Between Rounds

Station 1

20 Rotational Slam Balls (20#/14#)

+ Max Effort Pull Ups 

Station 2

Gate Run (or Shorter) 

+ ME DB Squat Clean Thruster (50#/35#)

Station 3

30/20 Russian Twists (25#)

+ ME OH Plate Sit Ups 

Saturday 051824

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ricardo 

The Fun: 

BUY-IN: 500m/400m Row 

And then, 5 Rounds 

1 Wall Climb 

12 Overhead Squat (95#/65#)

30 Sit Ups

And then, 

CASH OUT: 500m/400m Row 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
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