IMG 2417

Your Week of Workouts (060324)


Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!



WU: 2x

350m/250m Row

12 Alternating Crossbody Toe Touch 

4x 3 Point Planks 

6/4 Strict Pull Ups 

Gate Run

The Fun: E10M* x3

500m/400m Row 

And then, 

10 to 2 

Push Ups w/ 1 Tap 

10 Lemons 

And then, 

800m Run 

*Modify the distances to be in by 7:00 on the first round or adjust accordingly 


WU: 3x

Run/Back Pedal/Run

12 Hanging Knee Raises w/ Twist (Alt e/3)

3x Alt 1 Hang DB Snatch + DB Snatch p Arm

3 Inch Worms 

The Fun: 24:00 AMRAP 

12 Toes to Bar

24 Wall Balls

Shuddle Run

Rest 2:00 

Wednesday 060524

WU: 2x

100 Jump Rope 

10 Alternating Stepback Lunges

5 Kb Sumo Deadlifts

+ 5 Kb SDHP

50 Hollow Flutters

The Fun: 5 RFT (20:00 co)

10 Hvy DB Curl & Press 

10 Deficit Stepback Lunges in a Row p Leg (off of 45# Plate)

10 KB SDHP (70#/53#)

30 Double Unders or 60 Singles

The Strength: 3x ~E3M

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts 

+ 3 Heavy but Perfect Deadlift

Thursday 060624

The Strength: 

Warm Up to 5 Rep Working Set Weight

And then, 3 Challenging Sets (~E3M)

5/3 Ring Dips 

5 Bench Press (HAP w/ Spot)


The Fun:  4 RFT (15:00 co)

24 Plank Hold Shulder Taps 

8 Burpee Box Jumps (24”/20”)

16 Jumping Pull Ups 

32 Sit Ups 

Friday 060724


Gate Run

And then, 2x

5 Kipping Swings

10 Kb Deadlifts (53#/35#)

25/20 Knee Push Ups 

And then, 2x 

5/3 Chin Ups 

10 Russian Kb Swings

2 Wall Climbs 

Glute & Shoulder Prep: 4x w/ :10 Rest Between & :30 Reset (8:00)

:20 Elbow/Knee Side Plank w/ Leg Raises p/ Side

:30 Alternating Kb Deadbugs (35#/26#)

Strength: Alt E:90 x6 w/ Extra Minute Every Change (20:00)

10 – 12 (95#/65#)

6 – 8 (135#/95#)

2 – 4 (165#/115#)

1) UB Jerk 

2) UB Power Cleans 

The Fun: For Time w/ Empty Bar

40 – 30 – 20 -10

Strict Reps 

– Max Effort Strict Press

– Finish With Upright Rows

20 Alternating DB Snatch (50#/35#)

Saturday 060824

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben 

The Fun: 3 RFT

Alleyway MedBall Run

Alleyway Run

And then, 

3 – 2 – 1

SA DB OH Sit Up (35#/25#)

SA DB Z-Press 

And then, Repeat with Other Arm

And then, 

12 – 9 – 6 

Pull Ups 

Box Jump Overs (20”)

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
Book Free Intro