
Your Week of Workouts (061724)

BW Pride The Roaring 60s


Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!


Monday 061724

WU: 3x 

100 Jump Rope 

Gate Run 

3-5-7 [2-3-5]

Chin Ups

15 Air Squats 

Prep: 3x 

Alternating Stations 

1) 4 – 8 – 12

    Standing 90 Degree Knee Raises p Leg w/ Mini Band

2) 4 – 8 – 12

    Bent Knee Single Leg Calf Raises from Deficit 

The Fun: For Time or 25:00 to Complete 

10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 

Unbroken Double Unders 

10 Toes to Bar 

Alleyway Run

The Finisher: 3x

3 Pull Up Negatives 

+ 10 – 20 Simultaneous DB Curls 

Tuesday 061824


Gate Run 

And then, 3x 

1 Wall Climb 

15 Russian Kb Swings 

10 Crossbody Toe Touch 

15 Lemon Squeezers 

The Fun: For Time (20:00 co) 

1:00 On/1:00 Off 

20 Push Jerk (135#/96#)

40 OH Sit Ups (25#/15#)

20 Power Clean 

60 Russian Twists (25#/15#)

The Strength: 3 Sets 

20 Jumping Lunges 

Max Barbell Hip Thrusts w/ 3 Count Negative (Heavy Enough for 7-10 to get your to failure) 

Wednesday 061824



24 Shoulder Taps 

12 Alternating Scorpion Tails with/ 2 Count Hold 

6 Kipping Swings 

And then, 2x 

12 Alternating DB Snatch 

3 Burpees

6 DB Push Press p Arm 

3 Strict Pull Ups 

The Fun: For Time

24 – 18 – 12 – 6

Alternating DB Snatch (50#/35#)

6 Burpee Pull Ups

And then, 

6 – 12 – 18 – 24

SA DB Push Press (1/2 & 1/2 per Arm Alternate As Needed) 

6 Burpee Pull Ups 

Thursday 061924

The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP 

Handstand Walk Down (3 Attempts then Finish w/ Bear Crawl)

   OR OH DB Lunge Down (Alternate Arms Each Round)

Bear Crawl Back 

15 AbMat Lemon Squeezers 

25 Air Squats 

Gate Walk

* The HS Walk/DB Lunge will start on different ends each round based on where the DBs end up. 

Friday 062024 

WU: 2x 

300/240m Row 

20/15 Knee Push Ups 

5 Box Jumps 

Gate Run

Stamina: 3 RFT 

300m/240m Row (E:90)

400m Run

Rest 2:30

The Fun: E4M x4 Rounds 

Max Bench @135#/85# (5-15 Reps)

5 Deadlift HAP (Starting at 135#/85#)

9 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)

Saturday 062124 – Black Wolf PRIDE

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am 

In honor of Rita Wanstrom and her efforts that led to the repeal of Houstons cross dressing laws, laws used to harass and arrest lesbians. Rita opend the lesbian club

The Roaring 60s and founded the group The Tumblebugs.

The Fun: For Time

600m Run

60 Box Step Ups

60 Sit Ups 

60 Wall Balls

60 Russian Twists

60 Knee Push Ups w/ Tap

60 Rotational Slams

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
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