Gate Run
And then,
5 – 10 – 15 – 20
Air Squats
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Strength: E3M x5
@0:00 2 Front Squats
@0:30 2 Front Squats
The Fun: 4 RFT
12 UB Front Squats (95/65)
9 Bent Over Rows
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
WU: 3x
Gate Run
1 Wall Climb
5/4 Chin Ups
15 Kb SDHP (35#/26#)
10 Alternating Step Back p Leg
10 Kb Wood Chops p Side
The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie
10 Handstand Push Ups
Suitcase Carry Down (70#/53#)
Finish the Remainder of 400m Run
Suitcase Carry Back
40 Hollow Flutters
10 AbMat Lemon Squeezers
WU: 2x
15/10 Cal Row
10 Wall Balls (Game Day Weight)
5 Box Jumps
The Fun: For Time (25:00 co)
Cal Row 30/24 25/20 20/16 15/12 10/8
Wall Balls (20#/14#) 25 30 20 30 25
Box Jump Overs (24”/20”) 10 10 10 10 10
Rest 2:00
Jungle Gym: 10-15:00 of Muscle Up Practice
Start on Boxes to practice quick elbows
Progress to Singles & Attempts
Finish with 1x Max UB for those that Have it
The Fun: Not for Time (20-25:00 to Complete or Get As Far As You Can)
Max Ring Dips (or Collect 5/4)
SUB: Coaches Choice
20 OH Kb Swings (35#/26#)
And then,
Gate Walk
And then, 2x
5/3 Clapping Push Ups
+ 15/12 Knee Push Ups
20 Eye Lvl Kb Swings
And then,
Gate Walk
And then, 2x
Max Incline DB Bench Press or Collect 10 (50#/35#)*
20 Deficit Sumo Deadlifts (Stand on 45#s, Keep Chest Up)
And then
Gate Walk
Gate Run
And then, 2x
96 Jump Rope
16 Alternating DB Hang Clean & Press
8/6 Strict Pull Ups
The Fun: 10:00 AMRAP
Max Double Unders
Power Clean & Jerk (135#/95#)
The Other Fun: 3x
20 Banded Face Pulls
10-20 DB Front Raises
Rest ~:90 or the time it takes a partner to complete
10 Reverse Flys (Light Weight with Reach
10 – 20 Alternating DB Curls
Rest ~:90 or the time it takes a partner to complete
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ricardo
Brunch at Cedar Creek from 10am to Noon
The Fun: For Time
30/21 Cal Bike
And then,
21 – 15 – 9
Deadlifts (185#/125#)
Toes to Bar