Your workouts are down below. Remember, the goal is to strength train 3-4x per week and to move your body 7 days a week (Read about walking to your goal here). And the final piece is to understand your nutritional needs even in noisy world and while navigating a crazy life. Our Updated Level 1 Nutrition Guide gives you a jumping off point.
Whether you want to jump into our workout classes, or you’d like to have your own workout program designed by our coaches while training one on one or in a small group, the first step is to schedule a time for us to sit down and chat.
Week of workouts
Gate Run
And then,
10/6 Perfect Push Ups
Lunge for Stretch Down
1 – 2 – 3
Strict Pull Ups
PT Bear Crawl Back (Shins parallel to the Deck, Opposite Hand & Foot Simultaneously)
15 Lemon Squeezers
Skill Pill: Death by HSPU
10:00 EMOM
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 …
Handstand Push Ups
The Fun: For Time
8 Toes to Bar
24 -18 – 12 – 18 – 24
Jumping Lunges
Rest 1:00
Extra Extra: 3x
15-20 Banded Face Pulls
+ 1-3-5 Staggered Stance DB Deadlifts p Leg (~35#/25#)
WU: 2x
Gate Run
15 OH Kb Swings
12 Bent Over Reverse Flys (5#/2.5#)
3 Inch Worms w/ Scorpion Tail
15 OH Kb Swings
18/12 Push Ups
12 Incline DB Flys (15#/10#)
First Rib mobility – Barbell on the rack, Neck Stretches, CatCows
The Fun: 3 RFT
30 Reps
Max Effort UB Overhead Squats (75#/55#)
+ Remainder of 30 as Plate Burpees
Rest 1:00
30 Russian Twists (45#/25#)
Farmers Carry D&B (70#/53#)
Rest 1:00
100 Jump Rope
5 – 3 – 1
Chin Ups
10 Box Step Overs
Gate Run
The Fun: For Time
48 Double Unders
12 Box Jump Overs
12 Pull Ups
400m Run
The Pump: 4 Sets
10-15 DB Lateral Raises*
10-15 Seated DB Strict Press**
* Reach for the walls at the top of the raises & avoid your traps (shrugging)
**Sit with Back against Highest Setting on Bench
And then, 2x
< 20 Arnold Press w/ Lateral Raises Weight
The Fun: Not For Time
5 – 10 – 15 – 10 – 5
Cal Ski Erg (Highest intensity possible)
20 Alt Pistols (Focus is building proficiency, not gutting it out with slop)
Gate Run (Shakeout)
Rest until heart rate settles
WU: 3x
12/7 Cal Bike
And then,
3 – 2 – 1
Crossbody Toe Touch
And then,
12 Kneeling Wood Chops
6/4 Strict Pull Ups
6 – 9 – 12
Single Leg Glute Ham Raises p/ Leg
3 + 9 “Hack Squats”
15 Front Squats (135#/95#)
9 Front Squats (185#/125#)
3 Front Squats (225#/155#)
9 UB Deadlifts (225#/155#)
15 UB Deadlifts (185#/125#)
21 UB Deadlifts (135#/95#)
Classes meet at 8am & 9am w/ Ben
The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP
600m Run
30 Sit Ups
10 DB Curl & Press
30 DB Step Ups