Workouts under the early morning sky

Your Week of workouts (082624)

Your workouts are down below. Remember, the goal is to strength train 3-4x per week and to move your body 7 days a week (Read about walking to your goal here). And the final piece is to understand your nutritional needs even in noisy world and while navigating a crazy life. Our Updated Level 1 Nutrition Guide gives you a jumping off point.


Whether you want to jump into our workout classes, or you’d like to have your own workout program designed by our coaches while training one on one or in a small group, the first step is to schedule a time for us to sit down and chat.

Week of workouts


WU: 3x 

Gate Run 

1 Wall Climb 

6/4 Chin Ups 

12/9 Deficit Push Ups 

Skill Pill: Handstand Push Ups 

– Play around with handstand push ups at a level appropriate for you 

The Fun: 3 RFT (or 18:00) 

15 UB DB Incline Bench Press (50#/35#)

+ Finish Remainder as Clapping Push Ups or Single Tap Push Ups 

OH Carry D&B (1/2 Way of Normal Length) (45#/25#)

15 UB Pull Ups (Kipping or Butterfly)

 + Remainder as Single Arm Gorilla Row (35#/26#). Remainder is per arm. 

Gun Walk D&B 

Rest 2:00  



Gate Run

10 Kb Deadlift 

10 Air Squats 

2 Inch Worms 

Gate Run 

And then, 2x 

10 Kb SDHP 

10 10 Alternating Cossack Squats 

2 Inch Worms 

Strength: E3M x3 

3-2-1 Barbell Stepback Lunge Per Leg 

[10AltEB – 6 Alt LW – 3 p Leg LW – (5 – 3 – 1) ]

The Fun: For Time

15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3

KB SDHP (70#/53#)

Parking Lot Run 


WU: 2x 

5/3 Cal Ski Erg 

100 Single Unders – 20 Double Unders – 20 Soubld Unders 

50 Flutter Kicks 

5/3 Cal Bike 

5/3 Strict Pull Ups 

50 Flutter Kicks 

Gate Run 

The Fun: 3 RFT 

10/7 Cal Ski Erg 

40 Double Unders 

10/7 Cal Bike 

40 Double Unders 

800m Run 


The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie 

20/5 Banded Face Pulls w/ 3 Ct Negative 

20 Air Squats 

Bear Crawl Down 

15 Chest Supported DB Rows (25#/20#)

15 DB Strict Press into Push Press if Needed 

Bear Crawl Back 

10 Toes to Bar 

10 V-Ups 

Alleyway Walk 



Gate Run 

And then, 2x 

5 PVC Pass Throughs 

5 Snatch Grip High Pulls 

5 PVC Overhead Squats 

OH Squat Practice: E3M x4

10 DB Lateral Raises (15#/10#)

10 Upright Rows

10 PVC/EB/LW Overhead Box Squats*

The Fun: E3:30M 

Set of Push Press

+ 15/10 Cal Rows 

Sets: 3x 3 Push Press w/ Dip Pause + 4 Push Press 

1x 7 Push Press 

Saturday – Quads & Abs 

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben 

The Fun: 

E3M x3

10 “Hack Squats” w. Elevated Heel (35#/25#)

Walking DB Lunge Down 

Farmers Carry Back 

— And then, at 9:00 — 

3 RFT 

16 Quad Squats         

48 OH Flutter Kicks 

8/6 OH Sit Ups 

16/12 Russian Twists 

Gate Walk 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
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