Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!
If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.
Monday 100923
WU: 3x
Cal Row
7 Goblet Squats
3 Burpees
5/3 Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Fun #1: E3M x5
Front Squat (HAP from the Rack)
15/10 Cal Row
Fun #2: 3 RFT
15 Pull Ups (SUB: Banded Strict)
10 OH Plate Sit Ups (45#/25#)
20 Russian Twists
30 Lateral Box Hops
Rest 1:00
Tuesday 101023
WU: 3x
8/4 Cal Bike
16 Walking Lunges
4 Inch Worms
The Fun: 4 RFT
Farmer’s Carry Down
7 Deadlifts (245#/165#)
14/9 Cal Bike
The Extra Work: 3-5x
10-15 Ham Assisted Ab Wheel
And then,
7-5-3 Deficit Stepback Lunges
Wednesday 101123
150 Single Unders
And then, 2x
Gate Run
30 Double Under
5 Box Jumps
5 Strict Toes to Bar
10 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap
The Fun: For Time
1,000m Run (Finn & Feather at Old Yale)
100 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
100 Double Under
500m Run
50 Wall Balls
50 Double Unders
The Extra Work: 3-5x
7-12 Seal Row (35#/25#)
ME Diamond Push Ups
Thursday 101223
The Fun: 25:00 AMRAP
15 SDHP (35#/26#)
10 SDHP (53#/35#)
5 SDHP (70#/53#)
10 Burpee Toes to Bar
OR 2x 5 Burpees + 5 Leg Raises
Gate Run
Rest 2:00
Friday 101323
The Warm Up: 2x
Gate Run
10 Burpees
Strength: Boulder Shoulders
The Fun: 10 RFT
10 HR Push Ups
6 V-Ups
The Extra Work: 3-5x
7-12 DB Squeeze Incline Press
+ DLB’s w/ Empty Bar or Light Weight
10 Upright Rows
10 Front Raises
10 Strict Press
Saturday 101423
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ben
The Fun: For Time
DB Step Over (50#/35# at 20”)
9 Hang Power Clean (135#/85#)
And then,
DB Step Over
6 Push Jerk
And then,
DB Step Over
3 Clean & Jerk
Sunday Ass & Abs w/ Grace 101523
Class meets at 9:45am