
Your Week of Workouts (100223)



Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!

If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.

Monday 100223

WU: 3x

Gate Run

10 Step Overs w/ Pivot Step Down 

And then, 


Crossbody Toe Touch p Leg 

And then

5 Single Leg Step Ups p/ Leg

5 Strict Pull Ups 

Midline: E:90 x4

:10 Hollow Hold 

+ 20 Banded Hollow Flutters

at :40

:20 Glute Ham Bridge

+ 10 Bridge Knee Presses 

The Fun: 4 Rounds 

:30 20” Right Leg Step Up

:30 20” Left Leg Step Up

:30 Right Leg 

:30 Left Leg 

:30 Right Leg 

:30 Left Leg 

:60 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

:60 Sit Ups 

Rest 1:00 

Score is Total Number of Reps Achieved each Round 

Tuesday 100323



Gate Run 

Leg Swings Down 

Bear Crawl Back 

And then, 

Alleyway Run 

And then, 2x 

3 Inch Worm

+ Step Toe Touch Down

5 Push Ups 

+ Bear Crawl to Middle

+ 5 Push Ups

+ Bear Crawl to End

+ 5 Pus Ups 

The Fun: 


Gate Run

Rest 1:00 

And then, 1x

800m Run

Rest 2:00 

And then, 


Gate Run

Rest 1:00 

And then, 1x

600m Run 

Rest 2:00 

And then, 


Gate Run

Rest 1:00 

400m Run 

Strength: 10:00 To Establish 

Heavy 7 Bench Press 

Wednesday 100423

WU: 3x or 12:00 

150 Jump Rope 

6 Kb Deadlifts 

9 Eye Lvl Swings

6 Goblet Squats 

3 Burpees

6 Chin Ups 

Strength: E2:30M x 6

1 Hang Power Clean 

+ 2 Power Clean 

The Fun: 5 RFT  or 12:00 

12 Front Squats (95#/65#)

9 Deadlifts 

6 Lateral Bar Burpees 

Rest 1:00 

Thursday 100523

WU: 3x

Gate Run

15 Lemon Squeezers 

10 Kneeling Curl & Press p/ Leg & Side (when right knee is down, right arm works)

5 Strict Pull Ups 

3x Upward Dog + Downward Dog 

The Fun: 16: 00 AMRAP 

10 Uneven DB Push Press (R) (50#Low & 35#Moving/ 35#Low&25#Moving)

Uneven OH Carry Down 

2 Wall Climbs 

10 Uneven DB Push Press (L)

Uneven OH Carry Back 

24/12 Russian Twists (45#)

Alleyway Run 

Friday 100623

WU: 2x

Gate Run

:10 Count HS Hold 

10 UB Chin Ups 

20 Double Unders Or 4 Attempts 

10 Alt OH Step Back Lunges (PVC)

The Fun: 5 RFT 

6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)

30 Double Unders 

9 Handstand Push Ups (3 Att) 

30 Double Unders 

12 Overhead Squats 

30 Sit Ups 

First Saturday 100723

FREE Workouts at 8am & 9:30am

Sunday Ass & Abs 100823

Strength: E3M x5

20 Jumping Lunges 

OR 3-2-1 Stepback Lunges p/ Leg 

+ 7 Back Squats 

The Fun: E5:00 x3 

3:30 to Complete 

:30 Push Up Plank Hold

20 Shoulder Taps

30 Hollow Flutters 

20 Wall Balls (14#/10#)

Max Reps Rotational Slam Balls 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Black Wolf CrossFit is right for you.
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