Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!
If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.

A Carvin’ Good Time is THIS Saturday
Swing by for a family friendly event. We will be carving pumpkins, deadlifting a little bit (if you’re interested), and playing whatever games y’all bring by. Plus our own Jovani will have his hot dog cart on site!
Dress for fall (currently 84/74 forecast) and come hang out!
Monday 102323
WU: 3x
Gate Run
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Knee Squats
10 Plate Push Ups (Hands on Plate)
30 OH Plate Flutter Kicks
10 “UB” Chin Ups
Strength: E:90 x6
6 Perfect Push Jerk (95#/65#)
+ Max Rep Sit Up
The Fun:
Wall Climbs
9 Toes to Bar
24/18 Russian Twists (25#)
36/24 OH Plate Hollow Fluttere Kicks
Tuesday 102423
150 Jump Rope
And then, 2x
10 Wall Balls
And then,
5-3-1 Crossbody Toe Touch p/ Leg
And then, 2x
10 Penguin Jumps
1-3-5 Stepback Lunges p/ Leg
Strength: E3M
5-5-3-3-3 Back Squats
+ 18 Jumping Lunges
The Fun: 10:00 AMRAP
10-20-30-40-50- up by 10 to infinity
[20-40-60-80-100 Singles]
Double Unders
10 Target Burpees
Wednesday 102523
WU: 2x
15/10 Cal Row
3 Inch Worms
+ Step Toe Touch
10/6 Cal Bike
+ 6/4/2 Push Up w/ Bear Crawl
Gate Run
Stamina: E2M x3 p Station
1) 20/14 Cal Row
2) Alleyway Run
3) 15/10 Cal Bike
The Fun: 5 Rounds or in Time Remaining
Teams of 2-3 w/ You Go I Go or Waterfall Start
Max Supine Ring Rows (or most aggressive RR with 7+ Reps Rd 1)
Bear Crawl Down
Max Incline DB Bench Press at 50#/35#
Bear Crawl Back
Thursday 102623 – Cate’s Body Shop
The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie
10 “UB” Strict Pull Ups
Curl & Press
OH Carry D&B
400m Run
10 DB Thrusters
7-5-3 Single Leg DB Deadlifts
And then, DB Lunge D&B
Parking Lot Walk
Friday 102723
The Fun: 20:00 AMRAP
“Chad Prep”
7 Lemon Squeezers
And then
Step Ups [10-30-50-70-90]
SUB for HSPU/Lemons:
Seated BB Z-Press
5 BB OH Sit Ups
Saturday 102823
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ben
The Fun: 3 RFT
2 Rounds of
3 Hang Power Snatch
7 Overhead Squats
2 Muscle Ups or 3/2 C2B Pull Ups (Limit to +1 Att)
And then,
Rest 2:00
Sunday 102923 – Ass & Abs
Class meets at 9:45am w/ Grace