Seadrill employees stopped by to take on “Chad” in honor of US Navy Seal Chad Wilkinson for Veterans Day this past Saturday.
Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!
If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.
Monday 111323
150 Jump Rope
15 Lemon Squeezers
5 Push Ups
15 Ring Rows
100 Jump Rope
10 Lemon Squee
10 Push Ups
10 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Jump Rope
5 Lemon Squeezers
15 Push Ups
5 Strict Pull Ups
Strict Pull Up Dev: E2:30M x3
Max UB Strict Pull Ups
– Use Bands or Ring Rows
The Fun: 5 RFT or 20:00
30 Double Unders
20 Rotational Slam Balls (20/14)
10 Handstand Push Ups
Tuesday 111423
Gate Run
And then, 3x
Russian Kb Swings
3 Gob Squats
And then,
5 Kipping Swings
3 Inch Worms
Strength: Front Squat 1 RM
The Fun: 3 RFT (12:00)
21 Russian Kb Swings (70#/53#)
15 Jumping Squats
9 Pull Ups
Wednesday 111523
WU: 3x
Gate Run
10 Alternating DB Snatch
5 Push Press p Arm
5 Burpees
10 Ring Rows
Stamina: 30 Target Burpees for Time OR 3:00 Max Reps
The Fun: 16:00 AMRAP
10 Push Press (135#/95#)
10 Deadlifts
Gate Run
Rest 1:00
Thursday 111623 – Ass & Abs
The Fun: 18:00 AMRAP
Deficit Kb Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35#) 15 12 9
3pt Planks (Shoulders Knees Toes) 5x 4x 3x
And then,
Gate Suitcase Carry (70#/53#)*
*Switch Hands whenever but keep moving and stay tight
The Finisher: 3-5x with Time Remaining
10 Split Squats per Leg
+ 10 Barbell Hip Thrusts*
*Do not overextend the lumber spine at the bottom. The spine stays neutral.
Friday 111723
WU: 3x
Gate Run
12 OH Kb Swings (35#/26#)
12 Lemon Squeezers
12 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap
6/4 Chin Ups
The Fun: 18:00 AMRAP
12 Hang Power Snatch (75#/55#)
12 Toes to Bar
400m Run
Saturday 111823
Classes meet at 8am and 9:30am
The Fun: For Time
600m Run
And then,
Front Rack Stepback Lunges (95#/65#)
Hand Release Push Ups
6 Tall Box Jumps (30”/24”)
Sunday 111923 – Rest Day