Black Wolf CrossFit is for anyone willing to try. No skill or experience required. Whether you are looking to gain confidence, get stronger, lose weight, meet amazing people, or try CrossFit, this place is worth trying!
If you’d like to jump in and try a few out yourself, grab your FREE Week of Classes through the link below.
Monday 122523
Tuesday 122623
Full Schedule: 5am, 6am, 8:30am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, and 6:30pm
WU: 3x
12/8 Cal Row
8/6 Push Ups w/ 1 Tap (8 if using knees)
4 Chin Ups
8 Slow Motion Ring Rows
Gate Run
Mid: Shoulder Pump Relay (For Fun)
Clapping Push Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
Bear Crawl Down & Back
The Fun: For Time
Cal Row 15 12 9 6 3
Incline Bench Press 12 9 6 3 15
Gorilla Row 9 6 3 15 12
Pull Ups 6 3 15 12 9
Run Cone Ladder 3 15 12 9 6
Wednesday 122723
WU: 2x
100 Jump Rope
3 Inch Worms
5 Hang DB Snatch p Arm
10 Wall Balls
Glute Warm Up
Strength: Tempo Back Squats w/ Heel Lift
3×10 w/ 3 Down, 2 Pause, 3 Up
The Fun: 10:00 AMRAP
10 Alt DB Snatch
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit Ups
Thursday 122823
WU: 3x
250m/200m Row
1 Wall Climb
Max UB Strict Pull Ups
or 3 Negatives
or ME Ring Rows
15 Lemon Squeezers
The Fun: 3 Rounds
750m – 500m – 250m
[600m – 400m – 200m]
And then,
DB Z-Press (50#/35#)
30 Hollow Flutter Kicks
And then,
Farmer’s Carry Down & Around
Friday 122923
Strength: E2M x10
Hang Power Snatch
+ Power Snatch
The Fun: 10:00 AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12- to infinity
Handstand Push Ups
7 Hvy OH Kb Swings (70#/53#)
Saturday 123023
Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w/ Ricardo
The Fun: 18:00 to Complete
Buy-In: 50/35 Cal Row
And then, AMRAP
Stepback Front Rack Lunges (135#/85#)
6 Lateral Bar Burpees
9 Toes to Bar