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March 9, 2025

Your Week of CrossFit Workouts 031025

This is my first post with our new website so bear with me. It may be a bit thin this week.


WU: 4x

10/8 Cal Bike (1/2 + 1/2) or Ski (Alt Rounds)

6 Eye Lvl Swings

+ 6 OH Swings

18 Lemon Squeezers

6/4 Strict Pull Ups

The Fun: 4 RFT (24:00 co)

16/12 Cal Bike OR Cal Ski (Alt Each Round)

16 OH Kb Swings (53#/35#)

20/12 Russian Twists (45#)

20 “UB” Push Ups

400m Run


WU: 3x

150 Jump Rope

12 Wall Balls

3 Slow Motion Ring Rows

+ 6 Regular Ring Rows

The Strength: E3M

1 Hang Squat Clean

+ 1 Squat Clean

+ 1 Jerk

The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP

15 Underhanded Bent Over Row

20 Lateral Bar Hops

10 Toes to Bar

Rest 1:00


WU: 2x

240m/180m Row

24 Walking Lunges

8 Side Plank DB Pull Overs p Side

Midline: E:90 x5

:30 Elbow Plank Hold

30 Shoulder Taps

The Fun: 3 RFT

500m Row

2 Wall Climbs

10 Box Jump Overs

1 Wall Climb

5 Box Jump Overs

Run to the end of the Alley

Walk Back


WU: 3x

Gate Run

7 Kipping Swings

14 Push Ups

7 PVC Pass Throughs

+ 7 PVC Overhead Squats

14 Scorpion Tails

The Fun: 25:00 Steady Eddie

5 - 3 - 1

Empty Bar Snatch Grip Push Press

Snatch Balance

Overhead Squats

15 Sit Ups

And then,

70#/53# Gate Suitcase Carry*

*Switch arms when needed. But uncontrolled leaning means go down in weight. Use this like a plank hold.


TBD. The last workout of the 2025 Open will be announced on Thursday, March 13th at


Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am w Ricardo

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